Funeral service for Lorene Atkison, age 103, of Frederick, Oklahoma, was held at 3:00 p.m. Saturday, January 9, 2010, at the Orr Gray Gish Funeral Home Chapel with Rev. John Horton, pastor, First Baptist Church, in Frederick, Oklahoma, officiating. Ms. Atkison passed away January 7, 2010, at Frederick Memorial Nursing Center. Burial was in the Frederick Memorial Cemetery under the direction of Orr Gray Gish Funeral Home. She was born on November 16, 1906 to William J. Atkison and Minnie Alice (Holden) Atkison, in Frederick, Oklahoma. She graduated from Frederick High School. She had been employed by C. R. Anthony and as a secretary/clerk for the F.S.A. in Frederick, Oklahoma. She was a member of the First Baptist Church where she was involved with the Baptist W.M.U. She was also a member of the Business and Professional Women's Club and the Tillman County Historical Society. She was preceded in death by her parents; one sister: Nellie Wooldridge; four brothers: Claus Atkison, Elvin Atkison, Royce Atkison and Gladney Atkison. She is survived by one brother: Loyd Atkison, of Frederick, Oklahoma; two nieces: Janice and John Scanlon, of Houston, Texas, and Cynthia and Dan Feather, of Menard, Texas.